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9 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Writer's picture: Jas R.Jas R.

Updated: Apr 6, 2022

It's no secret, there's A LOT going on these days. You turn on the TV and there's some craziness, you go on social media and there's even more craziness! Then you think to sit in silence and even in your mind there may be some craziness!! One thing's for sure, you're not alone, we're all being "distracted" from the essence of peace and overall wellbeing.

There's a lot of events and situations happening that is causing us to feel lower than what we truly should feel. Which is fine, this moment is to be embraced just as much, as you'll be TWICE as grateful later for the wonders that you will attract later. Someone once told me (I wish I knew who it was):

"You do not know how good you are meant to feel."

So simple but it's one of those things that really stuck with me like well damn it, if there's more let me go ahead and find out! Which took me down another rabbit hole that we can chat about in another blog later😉

So any who back to the main topic here, let's talk about you and how we can raise your vibration! First, why do you want to do such things? I can give 3 quick reasons:

  • Attract abundance, blessings, miracles and such things!

  • Healthier lifestyle in mind, body and spirit at once!

  • Learn more about yourself on a deeper level.

Ok so does that sound good to you? I sure hope so, it's truly life changing. To be VERY fair, this is NOT an overnight process, you will need to have a strong belief and patience. Naturally you will have days that are more difficult than others, but that's why below tips will serve you very well!

1. Accept Your Current State

If were to you ask yourself right now "how am I feeling", what is your most honest answer? Whatever that is, accept it! Know that place you're in now is okay to be. Whether you consider that state to be "good" or "bad", there's a hidden gem to discover from it! Accepting where you are is a truth, your truth and it is to be embraced knowing that nothing stays the same. What you CAN do is focus on where you want to be regardless of your current state, as we are forever growing and evolving, don't place limits to where you can go!

2. Self Reflection

Who are you? Why are you doing what you're doing? What would you like to be doing instead? Why are you even reading this blog??? All important questions lol! Really though, we are always learning something new about ourselves daily Your every response is a piece of you to be explored. There's so much to you, deeper than the cosmos. Allow yourself to explore, find the divine gift can't be taken from you but shared with the world for others to enjoy too. That's a wonderful way to raise your vibration, work with your divine gift and find a way to use it to benefit others. I'm just saying...think about it! We need "it"!

3. Move With The Divine

So if you're like me, I want things to happen over night! Patience is not my strong suite haha. One thing my lack of patience has taught me is, things do NOT happen on my time and I don't like it of course. But...when I truly surrender, release and let go with a strong belief, miracles happen! I mean blessings on top of blessings! One thing is for sure, if it's meant to be it will be! It just won't be when YOU want it, sucks I know but here we are, letting the Divine take its time to bring things together, even better than we expected. Plant the seed, water it and give it time to grow. The fruit will be yours if you...well let's talk about that in the next tip here...

4. Hold Your Vision

You have to HOLD YOUR VISION!! Keep a very strong faith with aligned action and surrender to what you cannot control. There are times to MOVE and then there are times to be STILL. In both states, you have to hold your vision. Believing in yourself and your ability to manifest is so essential to doing anything in life. You truly receive what you put out there, even your thoughts count. Yea the Universe isn't going easy on nobody trust me lol. Either way it's the truth. Of course there are times where "believing" is easier said than done, things can be in shambles right before your eyes! Here's the thing though...

Destruction dances with Creation like Ying and Yang.

If there's something that you wish for, that you truly desire, if it is for the highest good of all, please believe that it WILL be! That's Law! But on the other hand, that same vision, if it's not for the highest good, be grateful for that vision still, as it will be a "path" to lead you towards something better for you!

5. Move The Body

Get up! Yes right now! Get up and MOVEEEE! I don't really care what you do but you should make it a daily habit to move your body. This body is not meant to be still all the time, stillness is balanced with action (remember that). Moving the body can be any activity but naturally, I would love to invite you to try yoga! As it IS beneficial in wonderous ways for mind, body and spirit as one! Of course I have classes online day (check link below):

But if you're interested in something on your time, here's a quick gentle yoga flow that I have on YouTube as well! Don't forget to subscribe while you're at it! Thank youuu!

So even if Yoga isn't your "thing" (which I can't see how of course haha) but you can do many other things to move your body! Some of my favs (besides Yoga) are below:

  • Walking in nature

  • Dancing!

  • Swimming (not that I'm a great swimmer myself but being in water is so divine!).

  • Clean up! Yes you read that correctly.

  • Hit the gym!

  • Ride a bike!

  • Rollerblade

  • The list goes on baby!

Truth is, your body REALLY needs this. Sitting still too long can feed depression and lower vibes, just as much as TOO much action where you do not rest at all! There's a balance to everything of course but I feel the need to emphasize on body movement (like I will on Rest next haha) because we are in times where many are sitting for most of the day! Like dang get up and move! Wondering why we don't "got it" like we used to!

6. Rest and Rejuvenate

Now that we talked about movement, let's talk about the other side that is equally important, REST! Honey you can't be on go, go GO all the time! We are simply not designed to be like that. You have to allow yourself to slow down, take rest, take as much rest as you NEED. Then when you fill up your engine again, you can go with the wind baby! How can you be on go when you're out of fuel anyway? Nothing will be done up to your standards unless you take action when you're well rested. Just like destruction and creation dance together in harmony, so does action with rest.

7. Spiritual Journalism

Oh spiritual journalism!!! One of my favorite healing tools to use in any situation from self discovery, manifesting and shadow work! This one is for all my writers and non-writers out there so that means...YOU! I will be hosting a deeper dive webinar on Spiritual Journalism soon. In the meantime, how can this help to raise your vibration? Well, use it to manifest! Use it to discover YOU at your highest vibration! Using spiritual journalism to allow yourself to grow is a path that leads to your higher vibrational self, especially when you begin to ask the right questions and find your divine passion to focus on! Its the most beautiful messy part of the spiritual journey but you'll be soooo happy you did later! Happy and ready to help the next that might be in a boat you previously rode!

8. Healthy Diet

This...this should be a given! We ALL know we need to be eating good and what not! Truthfully speaking, "healthy eating" will look different for everyone. So I'm not saying go full blow vegan, that might not be the best for your human design type! Yes that's a thing for sure and very much learning about! I can help with this, ask and thy shall receive! Any who, you know what you could do to improve your diet if you're being honest with yourself! The hard part is, all the "bad" things are sooo addicting!! Right? NO! We are simply programmed to think so! Now is the time to change all that, the mind is a tricky place and we can begin to "love" healthier choices if we think it! I know it sounds silly but it got me off soda and drinking water full time so I know this is possible. Plan for healthier meals! Your food is your medicine!

9. Live Your Truth

Last but not least....and honestly this ties into all of the other points in this blog but live...your...TRUTH! What is it? Idk haha that's for you to figure out and share with us later, we want to know too! Your most authentic self holds great value! There's so much worth to the core of your being. Honor that! Honor who you are, all of you! Love all parts of you, learn to wear your flaws like gems! Once you can learn to do this, you will attract even more blessings and miraculous events into your life. It may sound corny and cliché but as I mention in other blogs, cliché does not mean wrong! It's cliché for a reason! Your truth is yours and yours only! Its your divine gift and we all know that gifts are meant to be shared! When you are trying to be like another, or even envious of what another has in their block your own blessing and bring more to them. Another thing to remember!

There you have it, all the things that you already know but maybe need that extra push to take action in that direction. Which step stuck out to you the most? It may be worth reflecting and journaling about it, take that deeper dive on yourself.

Truth is, the more and more you raise your own vibration by taking better of WHOLE self, you are changing the world. The more and more that you allow yourself to grow, the more you see how the world around you changes. Yes the same trials and tribulations will happen on life, as life happens in cycles, but how you react when that cycle comes back around is what will count.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog! I would love to invite you to join one of my online yoga classes! Here's a direct link to a class that is held daily that is beginner friendly and early morning to start your day off right (depending on which time zone you're in) in hopes to be able to bring you to your yoga mat! I hope to see you soon!

Check out for more yoga classes, holistic life coaching, handmade crystal jewelry and much MUCH more.

I do host virtual events and announcements are made on below social media pages:

Instagram: @iamjustjassi

Wish you love, luck and growth in your journey.

Love Always,

Jas ღ

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