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6 Tips For Your Spiritual Journey

Writer's picture: Jas R.Jas R.

Updated: Jun 25, 2022

Being on a spiritual journey can sound so trendy these days but does not take away the fact that it is a real experience. Unfortunately there are people that like to glamourize this process, making it seem like it is full of sunny days and no stress, toxic positivity some would call it, even faking it until they make it or simply giving out incorrect information! The trippy part is, those same individuals ARE on a spiritual journey, we all are actually whether we are aware of it or not.

When we are not aware, spirit will come knocking loud enough for you to hear and answer! Once you truly shed layers and become enlightened, you will see how it's all a spiritual journey unique to each individual and how we may judge or project onto others. You will be able to see where others are on their journey, again without judgement but with compassion for understanding how we are all trying to make our way back to Source.

We all have a reason or even that triggered this whole spiritual journey idea in our head and that's totally fine! As a matter of fact, congrats for realizing this! Having new awareness is a soul level glow up! With the awareness comes a lot of new unknown territory, experiences and knowledge! Social media will throw A LOT at you at once and some you're not truly ready for just yet to understand. That's fine too! With growth, will your perception expand and you begin to understand things that made 0 sense before!

So let's get into it! Below are 6 tips for your spiritual journey and explaining why they are important!

1. Self Love Overload

Loving yourself is of upmost importance in your journey. You should always love yourself but saying that is easier said than done at times where our journey feels a bit challenging and confusing. Building self love is a way of healing physical and energetic body at a cellular level. You are placed in situations to show yourself love daily for your own growth and these situations can be quite rough and different for all of course. Some of you may have heard the old saying:

"How can you expect others to love you if you don't love yourself?"

Such a harsh question right? Yes but that's ok, it is a wonderful thought to ponder on when you're in this phase of your journey. Love is a type of high vibrational energy that you are constantly surrounded by. With the way that the Universe works, it will send you exactly what you feed yourself. So, if you are NOT taking time to love on you, aka:

  • Taking care of your mental and physical health

  • Practicing good hygiene

  • Saying no to toxic situations and so on....

Then you cannot expect the Universe to send you that same energy if you are not giving it to yourself. It will either give you a reason to continue loving who you are or a reason to continue doubting your power. Example, if you believe you cannot accomplish a goal then no you cannot and will not! The Universe is agreeing with whatever you think so, if you believe you CAN accomplish a goal while loving yourself in the process and trying time after time then honey, you WILL succeed!!! Apply that to love! You show yourself love then the Universe is going to show you the same because that is where your frequency is!

2. Shadow Work

This gets deep, and because of that, I won't go in depth in an article as this is a part of your journey that you may need assistance with!! Do not be afraid to reach out to a healer that you feel called to for assistance in your shadow work. In a nutshell, we all have a light but there cannot be light without darkness...aka our shadow! Do not be alarmed, your shadow is to be loved and accepted! Sometimes it is painful to even look at while I'm talking about accept it!

That is why it is important to not go through this journey alone, there will be trauma to be healed with shadow work, not just yours but that of your ancestors! Your shadow is the part of you that you totally disown or think is not acceptable in society. Learning to embrace that part of us can awaken gifts that can be used for the highest good!! How though when the shadow is dark and negative? Well, in shadow work, you will come to the realization that nothing is good or bad, that is a perception and not many are ready to hear that part just yet! Denying that part of you creates separation, not allowing you to feel whole but when doing your healing work, you will see things in a whole new light. To give an example of how the shadow can be beneficial, let's say we're in a situation where someone is totally disrespecting us on a level that should not happen for ANYONE! Your shadow might be like...hold up we about to go into defense mode and let this person have a piece of our mind! That is OKAYYYY because honey, if we do not defend ourselves then who will? Being all love and light will not work, there is no balance there! You need to embrace your duality, your light and shadow, your gifts and areas of improvement. All make you who you are for a good reason and meant to be loved equally.

3. Accept what is!

Why? Because it is what it is! We learn early on that we cannot control everything, yet we still try to control everything in adulthood! We even get mad when things don't go our way, like big babies learning the same lesson over and over again! We try to have control when we have strong expectations of a situation. Having expectations isn't "bad" as we should always have standards but we cannot expect our standards to always be met! When our standards are not met, that is actually a blessing in disguise because what is meant for you WILL happen for you. If it's not meant for you, do you really want it still? Finding acceptance for what is is a powerful place to be in the journey, and there's levels to this lesson because there's some things that are totally unacceptable to us! That is where we begin to find our spiritual balance...

4. Finding Your Balance

Such an important part of anyone's journey! Well all of these points are but finding balance in life is essential for all and can applied to all tips listed in this article really. Briefly, we all have an internal balance that must be kept and maintained. This is different for everyone so that is why you see some things working for others and not you. Your balance and duality is authentic and unique to you. But what does that even mean? It means knowing how much food you should consume, when to speak up or when its best to keep something to yourself. Knowing when to rest or be active, when to back out or push forward. Finding your balance won't happen overnight, in fact we are faced with situations daily that help us to find our balance by throwing us off balance!!! For example, there can be a situation where an individual is ready to lash out in anger because another hurt them with something that was said. That person can tune into their inner voice to figure out should I speak my mind nicely or explain to them why that made me upset? Should my light self answer or my shadow?

Am I even in real danger for my shadow self to come poppin off?

Can my light handle this with my shadow having her back and not letting her be too much of a pushover, still standing my ground and getting my point across? Super easier said than done to sit back and reflect in the heat of an argument but that is a skill that CAN be developed with help for sure! Another example of finding balance is knowing you had a few cookies and nothing healthy with good nutrition put into your body. Your body is in need of that nutrition to balance out many other departments working in there so you can get up and handle your business for the day! With you having too much unhealthy foods and falling off balance with your physical needs, you can develop diseases and other illnesses! You get my point with this whole balance thing, I can go on all day about that but that's for the 8 week coaching program that I have to offer which TONS more information!

5. You are not alone.

Sounds creepy but guess what, it is truth! It is a beautiful truth to know that you have this awesome team of spirit guides, guardian angels and ancestors guiding, protecting, assiting and loving you in your journey. They are here for you and giving so much help behind the scenes that you should take a moment to pause reading this article and THANK THEM!


Now for all you skeptical folks out there that does not believe such things, I will leave you with this that I tell EVERYONE that has 0 belief (no judgement if that's the case for you! You are entitled to believe what is true for you) BUTTTT....

We use Wi-Fi everyday but we don't see it floating around doing its job! We just know it's doing something invisible to connect us to the rest of the world!

If that doesn't convince you then I don't know what will but someone will have something for you out there!

6. Believe in miracles!

Lowkey tying back to the Self Love section with how the Universe responds with our vibration or frequency so, if you do not believe that certain things can happen for you then they surely will not! You have to understand the power of the mind, of your thoughts! Your thoughts are energy used to communicate and connect with Source. We forget this connection with life happening and all of its disappointments, and Source practically begs us to remember this divine relationship every time it presents to us exactly what we think will happen! Like helloooo you thought this would happen and it actually did so why do you still doubt our connection? That is a hard truth to accept but when you're able to see past the illusion of separation, you can see the vibration that others are radiating by just looking at them and their lives, as well as yourself. Giving the opportunity and blessing to find a new path for a better and more suited lifestyle for you. This is not meant to judge or think that you are better (or less) because that is lack of balance within yourself if you do but to allow compassion to flow through you and to that person in need (and yourself of course).

Once you start telling yourself that XYZ can and will happen, and start to really believe it, take action in that direction then babyyyy the Universe is going to be like OKAYYYY let's go! Sending all this energy right back to you! In that sense, you are consciously manifesting your life and desires! Its such a simple concept but such a difficult art to master, the mind that is! We are sent tests and challenges and sometimes don't even follow through when we receive opportunities that are aligned with our purpose. Naturally out of fear but that's exactly what spirit is trying to move you through, is fear. So allow yourself to think about the best possible outcomes and don't doubt life if things don't always go your way, that is part of the test to see your mental strength being built. Besides, you only fail when you stop trying!

6. Growth of Consciousness.

Long story short, we can look at consciousness on a spectrum. Your consciousness is intentionally knowing or doing something (like I'm conscious of the fact that I am writing an article right now) with full awareness and your perception is a form of judgement to that awareness, it is like our sacred observer or witness into life. Some people's consciousness are at a level 1, 4,7 and even 10 (being total enlightenment) but it is important to understand where you are on that scale. Totally easier said than done but let's start by knowing we are not at a 10 if you're reading this article to learn tips in your spiritual journey! A level 10 person would not need such things but would serve as friendly reminders maybe! Also you are not at a level 0 or 1 if you are reading this, if you happen to find this article then you have reached a level of consciousness enough to know that you are on a spiritual journey!

Growing your awareness is expansion of your consciousness allowing you to see or perceive things with new eyes. Your "perception" typically breaks all things into 2 categories, good or bad! The trick is realizing that nothing is good or bad but it is necessary to have such a perception as it leads us in a necessary path (your spiritual journey) to know what you should and should not be doing. This may be explained deeply in another blog later as there's levels of understanding how consciousness and perceptions play a major part in our spiritual adventures. How do you know where you are on the consciousness level of 1 to 10? We don't! Personally I feel like it's from 0 to infinity and we fall in different areas depending on the given situation. It sounds like a lot because it is but it is a journey worth taking, not just to reach to infinity but to reach a point where you expand more and more each day at a rate and pace specially designed for you. With an expanded consciousness, we are able to navigate the murky rough waters of life with love and acceptance to keep moving forward with the ultimate mission we have here.

Whew that was a lot but I truly hope that you all go from feeling lost to having some small insight on what to expect or a direction to take for your journey. Some things may have triggered some feelings within you while reading and that is a beautiful opportunity to look within and understand.

Do not be afraid to reach out for help! This journey is not meant to be taken alone and there are many wonderful healers/coaches ready to serve you. We are all leading each other back to Source in different ways and even I am more than grateful to have opportunities to help others out there in their journey, impacting their lives so that they can do the same for others.

If you're looking for any assistance in your journey, I would be more than happy to help if you feel called to me. Please feel free to reach out and book a call with me below so we can get started on growing in this journey together, finding out your life purpose, gifts and achieving a goal that you wish! that we are on a spiritual journey is much like the Fool in the Tarot deck. Young, clueless and ready for the adventure!

Please check out below holistic life coaching, online yoga and distant Reiki services that I'm more than excited to share with you! Also wonderful options of handmade crystal healing jewelry!

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Wish you love, luck and growth in your journey.

Love Always,

Jas ღ

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