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6 Self Care Tips for Busy People

Writer's picture: Jas R.Jas R.

Updated: Apr 6, 2022

Dear Busy People Out There Reading This,

I know, I KNOW!!! The days seem to just be flying by! 24 hours is just not enough in 1 day it seems anymore sometimes. Blink an eye and it's tomorrow and there's so much that you're wanting to do but...who has the time when we have work and families to take care of. Which aren't bad things of course, blessings at the end of the day but with there being SO much to do in a day, it becomes hard to find time for genuine acts of self care! Which is what we're here to chat about today!

So, since I know you're busy and all, I'll jump to the point of this blog here.

We're going to explore 6 self care ideas for busy people. Sounds pretty broad but we're looking to explore some wonderful acts of self care that won't take up too much time in your day yet still have a major impact once practiced consistently over time.

Let's get to it then!

1. MAKE Free Time!!

HA! This would be the first idea and makes you want to say...HOW IF I'M BUSY!! Well guess what busy person, if you don't take SOME control/power in your life for YOU then who will? Hence this being an act of self care! To participate in taking care of you, you need the time to do so! You need time to brush your hair, take a shower, eat dinner, all of the basic human needs take time to do whether its 1 min or 39 mins! So let's stop that lack mindset that's saying "I don't have time" and let's start saying "I am allowed to take time out of my day for me." Plain and simple, because you are already doing it! Bam, now that we've had a quick mindset shift to realize that even the BUSIEST person can make time for self care, we can move on to more...specific ideas but the first idea will be to make time for YOU! If not then honey, you won't even have time to do the next idea!

But how do we make time? Well...
  • Do you have time that you can take from work without it hurting the pockets? Take it, you'll be glad you did if you at least get a WHOLE day for you!

  • See what you can possibly reschedule in your busy schedule! If there's some event that can be held off with no harm then hey, make you a priority and kindly reschedule!

  • Learn how to say NO when you're asked to do things during your free time! --> that's a biggie!

  • Time management! See how you can squeeze in 30 mins or an hour a day for 1 intentional act of self care! Adding it to your daily routine would be wonderful!

2. Exercise! Get Up and Move!

Movement is medicine and a wonderful known act of self care! There's soooo many different ways to exercise, so naturally, my advice is to try out what you feel drawn to! That would be yoga for me of course and I'd LOVE to have you join one of my classes online if you'd like to give it a try!

That's the great part about today's world, even for a busy person like you, you can take live exercise (or any) classes online! All you have to do is show up and participate! Not that you have to spend an whole hour doing so! You can take just 30 minutes but the more you do, the better you MAY feel! Exercise will not only take care of the body but also the mind and spirit! If you don't believe me, try for 30 days and let me know after that! Hmm...30 day yoga challenge anyone? Let me know if you'd be interested in that!

3. Eat Healthier Food!

Some may hear that and say blahhhh nextttt lol! I only know because... I was one of those people lol and to be honest, I still have my days! To be even more honest, the days that I do eat healthier and avoid certain foods (like caffeine and very heavy food), I feel like a whole new person! A better person to be specific! I used to be a non-stop soda drinker, so bad to the point where I thought I NEEDED to have it! For a long time I did! For as long as I told myself I did until one day, I said no I don't NEED this, I NEED water! And now, that soda intake is now completely replaced by water, couldn't tell me NOTHING by the time I was drinking water non stop for 1 month consistently! Never thought it would be possible for someone like me so if you're thinking that you can't....well you can! It's a matter of if you WANT to or not really, if we want to be VERY honest here! But either way, baby steps! start with healthier snack options! Add more water to your day! I'm not saying go full blown vegan overnight but taking baby steps in a different and healthier direction is one of the biggest acts of self care! Just like moving the body is medicine, so is the food we eat so please, please make this a top priority as well!

4. Play Time!

Age is whatever, we're all human and want to have fun! This is where the good energy is and where we are meant to THRIVE in! Naturally if you feel like you don't have time for "play" then go and read Idea #1 again, then read it one more time after that before coming here because time CAN and WILL be made, because you deserve to enjoy life while you're still breathing! Let that sink...

So back to play time! Yes let's do that! I'm sure there are many different age groups reading this blog so let's make this quick, since this is a blog for the busy people in the world and all haha. So below are LOTS of ideas for play time regardless of age and/or sex! Just do what interests YOU and let the magic go from there!

5. Time for Resting and Recharging

You need to MAKE time to REST! We are not meant to be on GO 24/7! That's just not how the human body works! Everything has to find some form of balance. So while you're miss or mister busy bee, you need to find time to chill out and recharge so that you can continue to conquer the world. It's so crazy how we're heavily conditioned to constantly be working or "available" to do anything that we wonder why there's so much anxiety and depression going on! If we're not doing something physically then our minds think something is wrong like we should be doing something! Let's break that condition! Let's normalize resting, even meditation! A time to recharge our mind, body and spirit! That can be anything for anyone! Some will thrive after a quick 30 min nap! Not me, that will only give me an attitude haha but a good 2 hour nap will do the trick for someone like me! Meditation helps to calm and clear the mind as well! Which is "hard" to most but, you have me to make that easier for you with guided meditations! Some short some long but regardless, I'm here to help you there as meditation comes in manyyyy different forms! Just like rest! Resting doesn't always mean to go to sleep, could be resting eating something great and watching your fav show! I could go on and on but naturally we're trying to be quick here haha up and don't feel discouraged with meditation! It's like a muscle that has to be built to become strong but the point here is, find quiet time for you so that you can reset, recharge and get ready for whatever life has in store for you.

6. Self Talk Awareness

This one can get very deep but we'll get the high level here only today. How you talk to and about yourself is a bigger deal than you might realize. No need to panic but you can think of the Law of Attraction when it comes to this tip. Talk nice to yourself! Believe in magic and that miracles can happen for you! We can be our biggest critics sometimes! Which is fine to a degree where we know we can improve but there's a level of compassion that is required in the mix as well. Please, I don't know you but I'm BEGGING you, please speak kindly to yourself. Remind yourself how beautiful you are! How loved, protected and capable you are! Your mind is going to believe whatever you tell it so feed it the good stuff! Yes we have flaws and things we want to see better about ourselves which is fine! I'm not saying ignore any of that as we're only going to keep growing here but just being forgiving and loving towards self is such a big deal in how we navigate through life. So the next time you catch a negative thought in your mind, catch it! Catch it, show it love, show it compassion, understand it and then rewrite that story! This is not always easy but like meditation, it is a muscle that needs to be built to become strong! The muscle of the mind is a mystery for sure but very influential on life!

So there you have it, my dear busy person! Some ideas to think about when it comes to caring for yourself. Naturally, idea #4 had all the fun "ideas" but the rest of the tips listed are PROBABLY more important! The real goal here was to get you to realize that self care is something that can be easier than it sounds. It's such a trendy thing to say out loud these days, like any other "self" topic like self love, self discovery, self fulfillment (all in which I will write blogs on still haha) but that doesn't mean that they're not useful or lame. In fact, things become "trendy" when collective FINALLY realizes the depth and necessity of something as humans, even though its been around for generations, becomes news to us new humans haha

Either way, I hope that you were to adopt a mindset with less lack and more belief of what you're capable of doing for YOU! everything else will be there when you get done taking care of you but at the end of the day, you cannot fill another's well unless you fill yours first!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog! I would love to invite you to join one of my online yoga classes! Here's a direct link to a class that is held daily that is beginner friendly and at a later time of day (depending on which time zone you're in) in hopes to be able to bring you to your yoga mat! I hope to see you soon!

Check out for more yoga classes, holistic life coaching, handmade crystal jewelry and much MUCH more.

I do host virtual events and announcements are made on below social media pages:

Instagram: @iamjustjassi

Wish you love, luck and growth in your journey.

Love Always,

Jas ღ

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