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It would be a pleasure to assist you in your journey of spiritual growth and healing.
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Work with Jasmine
Okay so...hey...its me! The owner of Just Jassi LLC! :)
So...let me introduce myself...Hi, my name is Jasmine (or Jas...or Jassi haha), certified 200hr RYT Yoga Instructor, Holistic Career and Life Coach and Master Reiki Healer! Also an Infrastructure Engineer (tech geek!) who has a deep interest in Astrology, Meditation, Divination and many other branches of metaphysics and healing knowledge (that is currently known to us). I'm super happy to be of service to you in whatever way that I can. I know for a fact that this is my calling, my own life purpose, to lift and raise the vibration of those on this planet and...myself! Through my own journey, I've discovered my true authentic self and my spiritual gift which I am happy to share with you...